Restarting Letter for Parents


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Sunday 11th April 2021 Dear parents and carers, Our plans for returning to face to face scouting. We are in the final stages of preparing for the safe return of our section meetings, expecting to hear imminently from the Scout Association and our line managers when this can be. The Portobello building Risk Assessment has been approved, it will be posted on the group website and the beaver, cub, scout sections ‘whats apps’ for you to look at along with a copy of this letter. I am writing to tell you what changes we have made and what we are asking you to do, to keep everyone safe from the Covid-19 virus. Three important changes are:- 1. Subscription increase – this was set to happen from September 2020 even before the lockdown. From the month our meetings re-start, subscriptions (subs) will be £10 per month all year round for all our section members. Payable by standing order or direct debit to avoid cash handling and parents coming into the building. 2. Reduced meeting times to 1 hour for all sections, to allow time for sanitisation of touch surfaces between the different meetings. 3. For essential cleaning between section meetings, the cub leaders have agreed to move their meetings to Wednesday night for the time being. Changes to Portobello Scout HQ 1. There is a one-way system in place; entry by the side gate - exit by the main door. 2. Entry and Exit signs in situ, with 2 metres floor markings leading to and from the building. 3. Everyone entering the building will be reminded to use the hand sanitiser located at the side and main doors. 4. Each section to have their own supply of hand sanitiser for use during their session. 5. Toilets at the front of the building are for main hall users and the toilet at the rear of the building is for back hall users and only one person to be in the toilet areas at any one time. 6. Main hall floor marked out in 2 metre squares to maintain social distancing. 7. Antibacterial cleaning solutions and disposable blue roll provided to clean surfaces before, after and during each sections meeting. 8. Digital thermometers for use at the discretion of the section leaders. 9. All rooms have been thoroughly cleaned, de-cluttered and set up for easy access to equipment. Changes to section Meetings 1. Revised meeting times • Tuesday Night – Beavers 6:00 -7:00pm. Doors open 5:50pm Term-time only • Tuesday Night – Scouts 7:30-8:30pm. Doors open 7:20pm All year round • Wednesday Night – Cubs 6:30-7-30pm. Doors Open 6:20pm All year round • Wednesday Night – Explorers 8:00-9:00pm. Doors Open 7:50pm All year round 2. No young person will be allowed in the building earlier than 10 mins before their section meeting is due to start. 3. A leader will meet and greet young people at the side door entrance. Asking parents if anyone in their family have any Covid-19 symptoms. 4. *Parents/carers to remain outside the building. Also, for them to observe social distancing requirements whilst waiting for their son/daughter to be allowed in to and out of the building. 5. *Where practically possible parents to take home outdoor clothing and bring back at leaving time. 6. PPE – Visors, mask & gloves provided for leaders. 7. No fruit, drinks, or food will be prepared for our young members for the time being. 8. *Each young person should be encouraged to go to the toilet before leaving home. 9. *Everyone to bring their own drink with their name clearly marked on their drink’s container. 10. *Do not stay around to chat with the leaders unless it is important, or chat to other parents. 11. *Make sure we have your up-to-date contact details and inform us of any mobile phone number changes. 12. *The building QR Code for NHS track and trace is displayed at both entry and exit doors. It is your choice whether you use it. 13. At the end of our meeting the young people will leave by the main entrance escorted by a leader. 14. *Anyone attending any of our section meetings who test positive for Coronavirus within 7 days to inform their section leaders or Keith (GSL) 07739 835947, text or a call, as soon as possible. 15. Scouts and explorers to wear face masks during their meetings. 16. Tuck Shop suspended for the time being. Points marked with * are where you can help keep everyone safe. This letter will be available on the Portobello (Methodist) Scout Group what’s app sections and the group’s web site which is going to be our main means of communication from now on. You can find us at If you have not registered to access the site, please do so and fill in the notifications so you will be able to receive information when it is put on the group web site. For zoom meetings you should register on the site. If you require any further explanation of the points raised in this letter, please do ask questions on the beaver/cub/scout/explorer ‘What’s Apps’. Your question may be one other parents would like to know the answer to. We are determined to return to our section meetings, keeping everyone safe and once again enjoying some carefree time together having fun, learning new skills, and making friends. However, we will be monitoring changes, following local, government and Scout Association guidance. Thank you for your patience and understanding, Yours in scouting K.P.Pickering Keith Pickering - GSL On behalf of the leaders/young leaders of Portobello (Methodist) Scout Group. Portobello (Methodist) Scout Group The Broadway, Holderness Road, HULL, HU9 3JJ Group Scout Leader: Keith Pickering Group Chairperson: John Clarke Registered Charity N°. 524662 Web: Twitter: